Our Sewing machines February 10, 2015 07:24
The primary workhorse behind Olde Dog. The Pfaff 138 is used to create most of the products shown on our online storefront. Georg Pfaff made his first sewing machine in 1862. This particular machine was made in the mid 1950's, in West Germany.
I also use another antique machine, a Precision from 1953, that is a Japanese replica of the Singer 93 from the same year, made with the same great quality. It was once used for everyday alterations at the Hochschild & Kohn department store in Baltimore, Maryland.
These older machines are as reliable and durable as they are beautiful. With all metal body, there are fewer breakable parts compared to modern day plastic machines. When a properly serviced sewing machine has been running for over fifty years, you can be pretty sure it will last fifty more years. These machines where meant to last lifetimes. If you are in the market for a sewing machine. I would recommend either an antique Pfaff or Adler. Purchasing an older machine will save you initial cost, and possible future repairs.
If you have any questions concerning your sewing machine purchase, or repair, inquire by emailing Tom: Please ask about our process, or about your own custom projects. I also welcome suggestions for new product ideas. Stop by soon and see what's new at Olde Dog.